I say pre-opening because there was no fanfare or hoopla over it and the media was
not informed but the "GRAND OPENING" is right around the corner and the details for that is being formalized now. There will be lots of fanfare and hoopla when that occurs so just remember to visit the blog from time to time to find out more.
Better yet, JOIN THE NEWSLETTER and that way you can stay informed with all the events and actions going on at the center, how we are progressing and where UAMI is headed.
We had a great time on Monday the 23 of July and it was, for me seeing what was only a dream at one time actually MANIFESTING INTO REALITY. And, it keeps getting bigger and bigger! Now what do I mean by that? Let me explain...
The second space that I have been working on to hold more classes on different dates has gone from simply renting space to actually "partnering" with another organization who sees the BIGGER PICTURE of my mission and where it is leading.
Because we are working out the details at the time of this blog entry, I really can't let out any details but when everything is finalized, you'll hear it first when you join the newsletter and that is easy to do; just go to the sign in form over to your right and simply fill in your name, email address and zip and you will have that information first.
The ACE program which I developed is designed to empower children and young adults with the ability to express their emotions creatively and creating their lives to be positive, loving and powerful. No longer will any child feel powerless or be victimized through their situation once they understand and put into action the techniques they learn with the ACE program.
The program is designed to incorporate all the natural laws of the universe utilizing physical exercise, numerical timing and the actions that people like OPRAH, LARRY KING, BILL GATES and all of the highly successful people use in their every day lives, using ART as the vehicle. It is exciting to see in motion when kids GET IT using it in their daily experience.
I and the people I've introduced this program to, have witnessed the transformation of children within a 7 month period as their skills, social and otherwise, grew to a higher and more positive level. It's beautiful to watch as each child reached certain goals set forth.
It is this program that will change how we interact with each other while reducing teen suicides, depression in our children and lowering the violence our kids endure on a daily basis.
Imagine a world where kids can be kids again and reducing the violent incidents like the recent "NEW JERSEY EXECUTIONS" or the massacres at "COLUMBINE AND VIRGINIA TECH".
Please help me with this mission by making a donation. With your help I can bring this program and the centers to our kids here and in your neighborhood. Let me know that you want one near you too and that by donating whatever you can, together, we will make it happen.
Remember that every dollar helps and remember also that all donations are tax deductible.
You can donate either by visiting the donations page at:
or you can donate by sending a check or money order to:
at the following address:
Thank you for reading my blog and I look forward to you JOINING the UAMI Family.
Peace and Love,
Director and Founder